Like a lot of Bristol businesses we have signed up to the Bristol Pound and excitedly started receiving payments from our customers. As a business it is very important to keep our book keeping organized, payments tallied, invoices paid etc. We use a brilliant piece of cloud based book keeping software called FreeAgent which makes uploading bank statements and tallying payments easy.
If you are using Bristol Pounds and FreeAgent for your business you can still upload your transactions, there are just a few things you need to do so here is a step by step guide:
- Download the transactions from your Bristol Pound online account as a csv file
- Open the file in Excel
- Remove the time from Date column by formatting in the number menu to date
- Make sure the amount column is formatted to two decimal places
- Format date column to date, amount column to number and from/to column to text by going to the cells menu and format cells
- Delete columns; transaction type, from/to-full name, description and transaction number
- Delete headings row
- Save and upload to FreeAgent
How it looks when first downloaded:
How it should look after you have made FreeAgent’s adjustments:
If you need any further help with this or any other IT services, give us a call on 0117 369 4335.